This is how it works:
Instead of scheduling in the calendar the things you procrastinate (work - e.g., tasks, projects, etc), you first schedule the fixed commitments (e.g., sleep, meals, showering, etc), guilt-free play (hobbies, reading, recreation, meeting your friends), self-care activities (e.g., exercise, meditation), including at least one hour of play a day and one full day off per week.
Now your calendar is not full of overwhelming expectations, but it is more like a place for fun. It releases the pressure out of it. You can finally see that after scheduling the fixed commitments, you don't have so much time for work. This actually makes work look more attractive and you'll find yourself wanting to work more. Crazy right? But it works.
I wrote a full article about this method
Curious to learn what methods do you use to motivate yourself to keep with things on track?