Maria Anosova πŸ”₯

✨ Tea, coffee, water or champagne? ✨

What would you prefer? Or in what order? 🧐

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Lana Zivkovic
Water πŸ’§ Coffee β˜•οΈ Champagne πŸ₯‚ Tea πŸ«– Interesting topic 😊
@lana_dem Do you enjoy all of them?
Lana Zivkovic
@alessio_mavica no, I don’t drink alcohol. I also don’t enjoy tea but drink it when I’m sick. I’m actually a coffee freak 😊 What about you?
@lana_dem I love coffee. I'm the typical Italian stereotype: espresso or cappuccino until noon. Then, only espressos :) A little suggestion: if you add LinkedIn and/or Twitter to your profile, you can engage even more here on PH :)
Oleg Shumar
Water >> Coffee β˜•οΈ Γ— 6 times too much... but.. a habit 😁
Maria Anosova πŸ”₯
@oleg_shumar 6 times ?!?!?!))))) wow!
Peter Tovanov
Coffee >> Water >> Repeat 😁
@peterblack How many times per day? ahaha I can see you shaking after a few iterations ahaha
Peter Tovanov
@alessio_mavica 2-3 and I get tachycardia, 4-6 a panic attack, 7-9 hasn't happened yet, but I can assume that I turn into the Flash and run around the planet. :D
water :)
@nastassia_k only? Even on special occasions?
@alessio_mavica hah I was inattentive and thought of choosing just one. 1 little cup of coffee in the morning, 1 cup of tea in the afternoon and a glass or two of champagne celebrating something πŸ˜„ and countless glasses of water throughout a day 😁
Nicky Hajal
My wife laughs at me because I always have about 4 different drinks on my desk at one time, so I'm going to go with all 4 πŸ™Œ
@nickyhajal I'm curious now.. which ones?
Nicky Hajal
@alessio_mavica At any moment you may find on my desk, one, some or all of: coffee, tea, still water, carbonated water, coke zero (right now I literally have all these on my desk), kombucha, protein shake... and maybe even a beer on occasion. :)
@nickyhajal ahaha how big is your desk? That's a nice collection!
Deniz Savkay
Green tea reduces inflammation so water and green tea are the ones I pick when I need to take care of myself. When I'm healthy I go champagne without hesitation 😁
Alexandr Builov
@builov84 wow.. both of them? Generally people are like coffee OR tea
morning - coffee day - water dinner - whiskey on work - Tea
Felya Bilgen
champagne is all I need now :D
@felicitias nothing stronger? ahahha
Serhii Yelbaiev
β™Ί tea β†’ coffee β†’ water ...
@ilya_kutsko Even on special occasions?
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@alessio_mavica yes, starting to be like a squirrel from Ice age and have other not very pleasant symptoms
Artyom Sviridov
Preference 1: plain tea or water Preference 2: a cup of coffee followed by a glass of juice Something like that :)
Chiara Schwarz-Weichhart
Champagne with a glass of water :-D
Dave-Anthony Smith
Water > Tea > Coffee I drink more water than any of the other options. However, I've been a tea guy most of my life, it is a big part of my morning or night routine. In recent months I've started adopting coffee most mornings too, but water tops them all.
@pointae do you see a change with coffee now?
Dave-Anthony Smith
@alessio_mavica I haven't actually. Coffee has never really given me any added boost like it does for a lot of people. I just like the taste.
Atticus Li
As a product manager, I drink the tears of my developers... at least, this is what my dev told me this morning lol. I am only kidding, but I would say Tea and Water are my go-to. I love ice-cold green tea in the summertime.
Michal BalΕ‘ianka
Coffee every day, I often forgot to drink enough water though πŸ˜…
Uma Venugopal
Coffee + Water