Should you be open or secretive about your startup?
I was apart of a startup where the CEO was extremely paranoid about secrecy. Along with many other problems the company had, I believe this helped lead the company to failure for a couple reasons.
-When you can’t openly talk about your company it is hard to build any type of following or community.
-If you don’t trust people, they are not going to trust you.
-We had to build out the entire product before getting any user feedback, so we had no idea if it was even a good idea.
I now believe the hardest part of a startup is doing the work to make it a reality and 99.999% of people won’t steal your idea.
What are your guys thoughts on this? Do you believe the benefits of being supper secretive or prefer to be open about your projects? Has anyone on here ever had an idea they were actively working on get taken because of sharing it with others?
Thanks for any responses.