Edward Cederlund

Share your pitch deck! 🚀


Hi everyone! 👋 I started my career in tech helping entrepreneurs with their keynotes. I’ve helped create pitch decks that have raised millions and closed huge deals. If there is one thing I’m good at, it’s this. Whether you're fundraising or trying to land a big customer, a good presentation can go a long way. Feel free to share your presentation and I’ll be happy to give you honest feedback on how to make it better! Let's go 🚀

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Tornike Phkhovelishvili
Hey Edward! Great initiative. I would call it a pitch deck, more like an idea deck, but I still would love to hear your feedback on whether you will find a logic in Knowledgehunt - https://docs.google.com/presenta...
Edward Cederlund
@tornike_phkhovelishvili hey Tornike! thanks for sharing. here are a few comments that may help you improve your deck: - avoid having too much information in each slide. if i can't read it from my phone, i'm probably going to skip/miss it. it's better to have more slides with less information in each, than vice-versa. it's easier to scroll than zoom in :) - see how you have "Solution" in green as the title on slide 3? do the same for all slides, have a title so i can simply understand what i'm reading/watching on any given slide. - avoid having any typos in the texts. use grammarly for free. - remove the "advisor" from the founder team, it gives more confusion than clarity IMO. if you want to keep, at least add the name. you could maybe have social links to your twitter or linkedin. - overall i would simplify the whole deck in five key slides (saw this somewhere else, have used it myself for idea decks and it can help you keep it short and simple): slide 1: if you had a billboard, what 10 words describe what you do?; 2: what insight development have you had that others have not?; 3: how do you acquire customers in a way others can't?; 4: why you?; 5 (if you're raising money): what you need to prove/disprove to raise next round. hope this is helpful. ps. from reading the deck i thought about something similar i saw launching the other day that you might find interesting: https://twitter.com/businessbari...
Maya A
@cederlund, thanks for this great discussion post. I was reading through this response, and as a first-time founder/maker, I was curious regarding the tip to remove the advisor in a pitch deck. Is it a best practice not to mention advisors? Thank you!
Edward Cederlund
@mayaa.17 good question. I would suggest as a general rule to avoid having more advisors than employees. You want people who’re fully committed and operative, not just there to give advise. You can of course still have people around you to support, but no need to mention them. But that is just what I think :)
Tornike Phkhovelishvili
@cederlund Oh, I know this from Alex. This is pretty good validation for us. Leverage that social media following can have is amazing though; build something > Tweet > 50k+ traffic in a day :)
Uday Patel
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