Taha Zemmouri

Shamelessly asking you to support our Open Source project on GitHub

Hello everyone, I'm the CEO of Eden AI and we were lucky enough to be "Product of the Day" a few weeks ago: https://www.producthunt.com/products/eden-ai#eden-ai We've launched an Open Source version of our product and we need to reach 1000 stars on GitHub to make it credible and strangers want to try it out. I know a lot of developers hang out here and I hope I can count on the Product Hunt community for that :) So please support us by leaving us a star: https://github.com/edenai/edenai-apis For those interested, we've published an article on HackerNoon where we explain why we launched this Open Source project: https://hackernoon.com/were-building-an-open-source-llmai-api-wrapper-heres-why A thousand thanks in advance :)

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Philip Washington
Cool, open-source is the way to go. Just starred your repo, good luck with it!
André J
what does it do?