Red flags of fake followers
Whether it's a potential collaborator, a possible coach, or a creator you follow, beware of these 5 red flags.
Before we even get into this list, let me remind you:
A follower that you buy will NEVER buy from you!
And now, those RED FLAGS:
🚩 Thousands of likes with only a few comments.
🚩 the same amount of Likes on every post.
🚩 All comments are super generic ("🤩 beautiful").
🚩 Hundreds of thousands of followers, but less than 50 likes.
🚩 A sudden spike in Likes, followed by a plateau (15 likes for years, then suddenly 2 500 likes on every post).
These are warning signs that a user may have grown using an inorganic strategy.
– Buying followers
– Follow Trains
– Paid Shoutouts
– Engagement groups
– Follow/Unfollow
Your credibility comes from your knowledge, value provided, experience, and integrity.
Your credibility does NOT come from the number of followers you have or the number of Likes you get.