Recommand your most-liked Books for UI Design / Product Design !

It's been a long time since I bought new books to improve my design skills. When I was younger it was a huge source of inspiration, so can you help me find something new ? Here is my lastest book :

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Bryan Seok
This book is helped me a lot to understand the whole idea what UX is about. Sorry it's not about UI. But I'm sure it's worth of reading and will effect you when you design!
@bryanseok Hey ! Thanks a lot. Somebody told me about this book for UX too : . I will keep in mind & check yours :)
Bryan Seok
@jacquelinclem Hello Jacquelin! I found at there's no direct message here on product hunt. The landing page is ready and some screens of UI too! I would really love to get some feedbacks from you if you're ok with it! How can I reach you?