Jim Morrison

📚 Reading or 🍿 watching... Which is best?


Do you prefer to read or watch content online? I've been building a news AI for some years - which writes properly-sourced articles for you to read... but we're also working on generate videos you can watch and listen to using the same engine. Our team is a mix of people who prefer to read or watch their news. Which is the best format?

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Bruce Reed
It depends on what you’re looking for. For reading, I enjoy fiction. Some of my favorite titles are: 1984, Lord of The Flies and Great Expectations. But I do like watching movies too, like the Harry Potter movies (despite the intellectual vilification it received).
Neri Raanani
To be honest, I save a lot of video content for "later", but never get the chance to watch them. So I would say that I prefer written content. Especially for detailed content, it allows me to navigate easily through sections, copy-paste important things, etc. Although videos are more engaging and entertaining, a combination of them would probably be ideal.
Jim Morrison
Thanks @neri_raanani - that's fascinating. Since the data all comes from the same place perhaps we need to think about linking them all together. We've essentially now got a reader product with OneSub, a chat product Charlie, a video product (Nüz - shout if you wanna see the beta) and the beginnings of a research product called News Deck which needs a little love... but they don't really link together even though they all run off the same data. For what it's worth we even built the beginnings of a microblogging tool based around the news called Threads which, again, needs attention. Too many experiments!
Neri Raanani
@jimbomorrison Sounds like you got a lot on your plate! Many experiments, yes, but nothing will ever educate you more than just trying, and trying. Good luck!
Samantha Harris
@neri_raanani I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who does this. I often just end up clearing my Watch Later lists because they become so big and never actually set aside the time to watch them.
Jim Morrison
@neri_raanani @samantha_harris_ Yesterday I came across a great looking "10 best TED Talks to Watch" list... so I emailed the link to myself. I'm such a disaster! 😆
Steven Birchall
My preference is to read my news if it's available. Personally like that I can potentially skim read it to get just the gist, or that I don't have to worry about finding my headphones to consume it. That said, there is some content where only video truly works.
Jim Morrison
Yeah @stevenbirchall, I'm with you on the audio front. We've put subtitles in our new app which I think works well as a happy-medium. When you say that there's some content where only video truly works - do you mean in the news context or like "film" ..?
Steven Birchall
@jimbomorrison sorry was more meaning for some content, words just can't describe it quite as well as visually seeing it, or it is almost unbelievable unless you can see it. That's great about the subtitles. Will definitely need to check out the OneSub app.
Shubham khapra
watching videos is greatly understandable to the news.
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
A mix of both, depending on the context of the news. That said, scanning is probably my default mode of news consumption so I'd prefer that if I had to choose one or the other.
Jim Morrison
Interesting @saasdesigner - thanks for sharing. I think I started out like you -- but I'm finding our video feed quite alluring. Hit me up if you'd like to take an early beta for a spin -- I'd be interested in your perspective. (Launching here ~3 Nov (nothing like giving ourselves a deadline!))
Ghost Kitty
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Jim Morrison
Cool, thanks @sewell_stephens, that's good to know. We have a reading-lead product already so the video thing is a different approach. For what it's worth we've also got a little fledgling "reasearch" platform in the works. If you'd like to help shape that we're looking for beta testers. The very old/early draft / public alpha is at /deck... but it's getting a big facelift this week.
Jim Morrison
Oh, @sewell_stephens awesome! If you wanna reach out to me @jimbomorrison - on Twitter I would love your feedback and I can let you know as and when we push some releases and updates this week.
Binay Singh
Particularly for news, I consider watching videos with scrisp and on point headlines. Saves a lot of time!!
Jim Morrison
Awesome @binay_singh2 - sounds like you're the kind of person who might value what we're building. Hit me up if you'd like an early beta to take out for a spin..
Laura Linham
Reading for me. It makes me feel like I have more control. I can read the articles that interest me, skip the ones that'll make me angry or distressed. I also feel that with 24 hr rolling news, the story comes out in fits and starts and that can create more uncertainty and confusion.
Software Guy (Aarvy)
I prefer reading and am glad to know about what you're building. I write articles about new-age softwares and how they can boost up your work life. https://medium.com/@software_guy