Launching in the next 2 weeks... Things are hectic but the date is set...
Getting the monitoring and alerting going, flexing our ops muscles and testing the customer support model... It'll be fine... :)
We're still a way away from launching on PH - we decided to delay as our audience here will be pretty limited. We're going to release our MVP in January and hopefully a more suitable version here in early Q3 here next year. But we'll have our ship page and landing page up this month (which is actually quite exciting)
So spending the time getting to know the community and a bit more about launching on Product Hunt :)
@rachel_levitz to start it's a twitch extension (a kind of website within the twitch streaming platform). The extension is a small game/activity intended to get engagement and interaction with viewers.
We intend to make the same app available for streamers on YouTube and Facebook Gaming. Then assuming things go well a more public version which is what we'll launch here.
We have our Product Hunt Ship Page up! -> Currently focused on getting traction with signups for beta (looking to get feedback and polish up some last minute tech things before our official launch.)
@joannakurylo hey Joanna, the Ship page looks pretty neat! So your product will be some kind of a payment solution platform, did I get it right? I've subscribed not to miss the launch.
@joannakurylo great thinking! I always love a good payment platform! Especially with all the cybercrime in the rise, so important to find a platform you can trust
Hi Rachel! Just launched our Ship page yesterday, working hard to prepare all the copy before the launch (I mean texts for social media, emails, article(s), etc.). Pushing my team to get the new video finished on time, otherwise I'll have to use the old video we had.
What about you? :)
@rachel_levitz yes it is! 😁 the video is telling the story of how our product came about :)
Will you post article(s) about Amy? Btw, I've seen Amy's Ship page (and even subscribed a while ago) and talked to two of your colleagues, Lior and Ido, about it :) I like what it promises, though I am not the target audience, so I missed the point that it's mostly for biz devs and sales managers :)
Here is our page - will be happy to hear your feedback if any :)
We've got most everything ready at the tech end. Still, very new to PH so it'll be a while. We've got about 20 pre signups and are working on getting them plugged into a mailing list. Will be looking for some people who are interested in beta.
Hello Rachel! We just launched RELE.AI today! I invite you to check in our project and give us some feedback! Let us know when you have yours launched :)
@rachel_levitz is a document automation tool helping small teams turn around business documents faster. Our solution is more efficient than using Word, Google Docs, PDFs and some random eSignature tool, but less intimidating than using DocuSign.
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