Carter Michael

(Poll) Are you working this weekend?


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Esra Turan
Yes, I am! finger crossed
Kenny Hawkins
9 - 5 for bills on the week, code even harder on the weekends.
Carter Michael
@kenny_hawkins Working on anything fun right now?
Kenny Hawkins
@carter_barnett I'm building a search assistant! What are you working on?
Carter Michael
@kenny_hawkins As in like a google alt? And building a light hearted resume critiquing service
Elli Kim
We just launched a product so yes :) Come support us on
James Tedy
yes, i always spare some time to code on my side projects
John Koo
Of course I am! I'm married to my laptop and weekends are date nights. Plus, who needs a social life when you have code to debug?
abrar riaz
Saul Fleischman
Yup. 13+ years as founder/CEO of RiteKit, and it's still an honor worth putting the time into for me. We're 100% bootstrapped, ignored by social media blow-hards and those that , and so we need to really work it. Work-life balance is for the rich.