Mick Essex

Podcasting — is the payoff worth the lift? 🎙️

Neil Patel offered a statistic in his last newsletter that I could not ignore; “There are over 1 billion blogs, but only around 4.3 million podcasts.” Also, the average read time for a blog is 3 minutes, but nearly 30 minutes for a podcast. Why would you not start one? Especially when you can take the transcript and make it into a blog anyway. Then clips and excerpts for social media. Plus several other ways to repurpose the content. Why have/haven’t you started one?

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Marc Bovenzi
Key thought is make a decision and commit to it long term. I've made my decision to commit to serving SaaS / Software companies grow through my blog and YouTube channel.
Roland Marlow
Well, just like anything, it's hard to get traction but I think the reward is well worth it if you stick with it and make it work. One thing to think about, podcasts are not as popular. A blog could get ranked for a specific topic or article and gain millions of users that just want to read about that thing. But you most likely won't get random users to listen to 1 podcast episode. The plus side to that is 1,000 fans are probably worth a lot more than 100,000 random users going to a blog. I think if you stick with it, it's easier to be successful than not. But it's a long journey to maintain.
Mick Essex
@rmarlow Completely agree with you and that’s why I believe having/running both a blog and a podcast is a good bet. I’ve already built a very successful blog, so adding visual/audio content seems like the next logical step to me
Jonathan Tahiry
Podcasters are faced with many challenges, but ones that stand out are content fatigue and lack of funds to continue. Out of those 4 millions, only 700k are active and most of those who start, end up leaving after 6 months. But you’re right, it’s really a promising industry and it could serve any business to create an engaging channel with their customers! Are you running podcasts or does your business do?
Mick Essex
@jonathantahiry you’re right, it’s not an easy road at all. But I think it’s worth it! We don’t have a podcast yet, but I’m planning to build one from scratch and do it in public. With everything I’m doing, how I’m doing it, what tools I’m using and then provide analytics along the way