Justin Chitla

Other than PH what are some great platforms to launch your products?

I love the IndieHackers community and just recently the GenZ Mafia community launched their own "Product Launch" community.

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Emma Phượng Nguyễn
I prefer IndieHacker and Pioneer.app. Those are very positive supportive communities -- you will learn a lot.
Nathan Challen
I asked a similar question about a month ago and there were some great answers and checked out a few https://www.producthunt.com/disc... For real 1-1 community I am really enjoying https://www.lunadio.com ran by @ichangetheway with super generous members.
Cica-Laure Mbappé
With Keypup 2.0 we also launched on Betalist and BetaPage. They are great places to launch a product or a startup. Check those out!
Stephen Murrell
I think it is also important to remember to launch where your customers are. Even if the platforms are smaller.
Justin Chitla
@stephenmurrell Completely agree with that.. I've struggled in the past to narrow my focus on a specific niche and it didn't pan out well.
Tasnuva Ashraf Umama
This was so informative. Thank you!
Mariette Bérard
Facebook groups?
Natalie Karakina
IndieLog is a good one too
Marta Martinez de Aragon
I would look for groups where your target customers are, after all they are the ones who are going to be most engaged in the long run.
tnt sim
In addition to Product Hunt, consider TNT Network https://tntsimregistrations.com/ , a platform known for its diverse audience and focus on tech and innovation. It offers a unique space for product launches, reaching a broad spectrum of tech enthusiasts and professionals.