Do you have habits that don't look productive from the perspective of generally accepted standards, but in reality make you achieve goals faster and easier❓
Not checking any work notifications (even the urgent ones) before I perform the most complex task of the day. This helps keep my mind sharp. And guess what - 99% of the time, the notifications can wait.
Leaving even 20-30 minutes for nothing specific, just some "brain wandering" - this often leads to discovering new marketing opportunities or ideas.
When I am developing code and I run into a dead end or difficult problem to solve, I go have a shower :). It relaxes me and allows me to explore the problem away from the computer, which often puts me into a vicious cycle.
Alternatively, I'll call up a friend to talk about the problem. Even if the person is non technical - having to explain it to them in layman's terms often results in an epiphany.
@stefan_morris@w_j making you body clean can defenitely lead to making your brain clean and productive. The same goes with clearing your desk or room, I think. The tip with calling a friend - never thought about it, but it does make sense... I will have to try it out, thanks!
Working according to the system: 30 minutes of work, 5-minute break. This allows me to achieve maximum focus and complete the task faster. Additionally, thanks to the breaks, I don't feel exhausted.
@piotr_pawlowski It depends... Coffee break, scrolling Social media, responding to messages from friends, watching a short film on YouTube or a quick walk around the room ;)
My little habit that helps me achieve my goals is to plan my tasks well in time. I spend a relatively long time planning - many people may consider it a waste of time. But thanks to this, every day I know exactly what I should do to achieve the intended goal on time!
What helps me a lot is working when you are feeling good and energetic and taking breaks when the mood is off or not really wanted to work, because I think a small break when my mood is off helps me to recharge myself with peace and then working again when it will become better. Also taking a walk alone after working hours helps me a lot to change my focus from work to personal life after working hrs. It's more like a break line between two-time phases to keep out the worries and exhaustion of one phase from another.
@mahak thanks for sharing your experience in this topic. Yes, listening to your bodyclock is definietely an underestimated issue. We actually wrote more about it in our latest FB post: When it comes to walking, I recently heard that it improves our intelligence. Also, a great way to set a boundary between work & life.
Starting with the most difficult tasks (instead of the easier ones, as most people recommend) makes me more efficient.
Chatting with colleagues & checking my SM while performing stressful tasks makes me more efficient, cause the pressure to somehow disappear then. But maybe that's due to the type of my work - I'm a graphic designer.
@piotr_marchewka when you start with a difficult task that may take more time - you do have the perspective of a big queue of tasks, but on the other hand - you have more enery & brain assests to complete it.