Need Advice For Start-up App
Hello all.
I've been a UX/UI Designer for over 11 years and have worked on many projects with fortune 500 companies, start-ups, fintech, eCommerce, etc. I've also been through multiple acquisitions in my career. I've always designed the best user experience for many companies.
Over the years I've had solid ideas for apps. I'd design them end to end and have them ready to go, but the biggest blocker I hit is finding a developer. Then, having to pay them a huge chunk out of pocket. A VC told me that once "never spend your own money on your idea, you want to spend someone else's money."
I am not a developer. I am purely a designer and finding a developer that doesn't charge is a huge pain point in my process. I see all these kids out of high school and college getting funding for their ideas with some basic developed version of their idea and it blows my mind. I've reached out to VCs, sent in my proposals, and usually hear we'll pass or let's see a functioning version. Anyone has recommendations/advice on how to find a developer to build your app or product? How do I get past this blocker?
Delphi — Digital Clone Studio