Marian VOICU

Making your product viral! Is this something that you focus on?

When it comes to making our products viral, I believe that there is no predefined recipe, and we should continuously focus on what works and what doesn't. So, I'm curious, what worked and what didn't in your context? Thanks 🙏

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Marian VOICU
Of course, you need to ‘solve a problem’ - let’s say that you did your research, identified a real problem validated it with you target users and built a product that solves that problem. - now from where do you start? - how do you expose it! - how do you build momentum? I want to understand how founders approach this :)
Mike Cecconello
@marianvoicu I am actually working on to help founders raise their brand's awareness with viral content thansk to newsjacking
Mike Cecconello
@marianvoicu It helps SMEs an solopreneurs to raise brand awareness cheaply and effectively with viral content thanks to newsjacking and AI 🚀 I am currently working hard on the MVP and will release new updates pretty soon! You can find a demo on the website in case you want to know how it will simply work
Scott James
Going viral isn't the main goal, but it's a nice side effect if your product truly solves a problem. Worked for us.
Marian VOICU
@scottjames_007 - thanks, regarding my comment above, what was your approach?
solve a problem!