Jose Rodríguez

Mac, Windows or Linux?


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Domas Sakavickas
Jose Rodríguez
Domas Sakavickas
@stan8086 because of simplicity. I was using Windows before that, then changed to Mac and now there is no way back :D
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
team windows here - it's hard to get out of the monopoly :)
Linux because Linux :) And Mac for some very useful features and simplicity.
Jose Rodríguez
@afovet what distro?
Sergei Vorniches
Why not all :) I personally have been using Windows and Mac in parallel for the last 10 years, and it's a great experience to avoid getting stuck with just one platform.
Jose Rodríguez
@vorniches me too
Ivo Ivanovski
Mac :)
Ivo Ivanovski
@stan8086 user experience mostly :)
Hossein Yazdi
Happily Windows! :)
Jose Rodríguez
@hosseinyazdi good. but why not mac or linux distros?
Hossein Yazdi
@stan8086 Cause I'm already satisfied with Windows! :)
Khaled Talhad
windows better user
Anna Jack
Team Window
Peter Hansen
Peter Hansen
@stan8086 ¡Gracias José!
Comment Deleted
Julia Engelsmann
Team Mac
Jose Rodríguez
@julia_engelsmann why not linux or windows?
Lili Péntek
I started with Windows, but recently I had to switch. If we discount the first week when I had to get used to the new system, I'm team Mac :)
Hassan Shah
Mac book
Jose Rodríguez
@leo70 good
Richael Morio
Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
GNU/Linux since August 13, 2001, and I've never changed since. I had a brief period imposed with a Mac on a previous job, but I was forced and at home, I used my GNU/Linux :)
Jose Rodríguez
@pydubreucq your my friend. i use arch for more than a decade and suse before that
Daniel Burns
Ricardo Batista
Mac for its simplicity. No need to think about memory management <3
D-Devil NightRaid
Fully transitioned to Linux but occasionally miss Windows, especially for gaming.