Justin Chitla

Launching this Thursday and honestly just scared

I feel like I've put myself in a good (not excellent) position to do well this Thursday by being active on the platform, supporting others, and generally trying to give wherever I can. I am honestly just getting anxious about how things will turn out. Any advice for the mental aspect of a product hunt launch? I seriously appreciate any and all of it!

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if you're not scared you aren't going big enough
Mia Pham
We're going through the same thing! I've researched and researched to the point articles are starting to sound similar but I'm always thinking is this enough? Trust me, you are not alone! Sending good vibes your way. Best of luck on your launch!
Justin Chitla
@mia_pham I will need all the vibes! I appreciate you Mia... and same there are only so many articles you can read...
Julia Doronina
I think that the best way is to be sure in your product, be active in the comments and have a great video/gifs to attract users attention
Julia Doronina
Good luck with the launch! We are planning to launch soon too!
Justin Chitla
@julia_demyanchuk Thanks so much for your words! I definitely plan to be super available for responding to comments on launch day! :) I did end up making a GIF for the thumbnail so I hope that helps!
Daniel Baum
Good pictures / Gifs, and reach out to the community and individuals posting here. I'll happily toss an upvote in support!
Justin Chitla
@daniel_baum I'm happy to have made a simple looking GIF for the thumbnail! Thanks for your support Daniel, I appreciate you! :)
Florian Buguet
Airbnb screwed their 2nd launch because the servers couldn't hold the number of connections. Nobody remembers it. This will be a first launch of a future long list for you. Only good things come out of this: you'll get feedbacks, people will show interest, you will learn how to launch, etc. Launching is an exciting time so congrats and enjoy!!
Justin Chitla
@flobbgt This is so positive and uplifting Florian! I really appreciate you. Yes, I love to hear about those types of stories.
Florian Buguet
@justinchitla You're welcome. I think the PH community is also extremely caring so they will provide good feedback. Take care and will look for your launch!
Wael Khattar
If it makes you feel better we all feel that way before and during our launch, make sure you polish your launch page, have a nice description of your product along side a walkthrough video, then let the ball roll ! Also take a look at your competitors that day and most importantly trust in your product. If you feel like it can succeed than others will think that too :) Goodluck !!
Justin Chitla
@wael_khattar1 This is awesome advice! How do I go about looking at my competitors that plan to launch on the same day? Or are you saying to check them out ON launch day? Either way, I've made my landing page really simple and have a small base of users that I will reach out to on launch day for support!
Ruben Wolff
As other people already said, it is normal to feel this way, but that's a step you have to get through for your product. Stay available on launch day to keep responding to comments, and if you feel your product is actually not ready for the launch, then postpone it a bit to work on it. And communicate around your launch to ensure people see it
Rick Turoczy
If you WEREN'T nervous, then that would be reason to worry 😉 Good luck, break a leg, and all that! You've got this.
Johannes Grenzemann
Hey Justin, my best tips: - don't do any last minute changes - try to find a spot tomorrow where to do sports - try to meditate for 10min, and not to think about your launch or anything else. Just give your brain a break & and your brain will say thank you by being less stressed. (sometimes I take small meditation spots during the day, if the stress level gets too high) - sleep enough.
Justin Chitla
@jgrenzemann Thanks so much for this Johannes! I am definitely going to get a good night's sleep in and I will go for a nice run. I appreciate your words!
Ghost Kitty
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Nurlan Nurmanov
If it helps, I followed you and when you launch, I shall upvote your product!
Justin Chitla
@nurlan_nurmanov Nurlan! You're so kind to support! :) I launched today and the product is called Dewwy! We are currently around the 19th position which I'm very happy with!
What ever happens you will learn much from the experience. Even if you do not get the results you hope for you will be wiser and smarter :)
I'm nervous about launching in October, so completely understand where you're coming from. Anyway Good Luck for today 🤞🏾
Abel G. weldu
We all die and none of this will matter. :) Hope that helped somehow.
Stewart Barrett
Don't be scared - we are all here to support you :)
Rish A
What is grounding for you may be different from what's grounding for me/other people, but here are some things that work for me in a situation I can't alter, and am just /waiting/ for: - Watch a horror movie (aka, give my brain something else to freak out about) - Have some comfort food and listen to a comforting/nostalgic playlist - Do a quick 20-min guided meditation Also, it's Thursday now! Just went and checked out Dewwy and gave it an upvote! :)
T-shirt Shopper
I know the feeling well, I kept delaying launching making all kinds of excuses. I stepped back took a deep breath and launched. The first thing that occurred was nothing! Then came all the work that comes with after launching! I regret not starting sooner! Hope this helps!