Selin Anil

Launching the Christmas Crypto Quiz for beginners!


Hello PH community 👋 I've launched a Crypto Quiz intended to onboard beginners in a fun, comprehensive way - and break with this scary confusing image of crypto! I invite your to take it ☞ and let me know what you think (and share your results, we're all here to learn)! I added a classic giveaway to make it more attractive. Do you think such a engaging/fun way can nudge curious people to take the step and hop onboard? Is there anything you'd change/improve? I'm happy to receive all your thoughts & feedback! Thanks, and above all, I hope you enjoy :-)

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Pratiwi Tamami
Selin i hope there is another Beta 2 for Kryptview 🤗
Pratiwi Tamami
Any challenge again after this @selin_anil ?
Selin Anil
@pratiwi_tamami Of course! Challenges and opportunities to learn never stop in the Kryptview community :-)
Pratiwi Tamami
@selin_anil when Beta 2?
Ghost Kitty
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Pak D Airdrop
I can not wait to next ama sir
Pratiwi Tamami
I do that 🤘😘
Pratiwi Tamami
I hope win 🤗🤩🔥🥳
Pak D Airdrop
@selin_anil after beta tester I, any beta tester II next on Kryptview?
Pak D Airdrop
@selin_anil when Beta 2 Kryptview?
Pak D Airdrop
@selin_anil any post on Kryptview on Product hun Selin?
Pratiwi Tamami
just do task, hehe
Pratiwi Tamami
@selin_anil I hope the Kryptview page on Producthunt holds a comprehensive discussion. so the Kryptview page is alive and well
Pratiwi Tamami
do task again for kryptview.. hehe
Amanda Trincher
It was really interesting. For those who do not yet know what to do in their free time, it is worth devoting more time to various quizzes. You can take the snowflake test here