Majd Alsado

Launching a non-AI tool in 2023, doomed mission or advantage?

It's hard to ignore the massive wave of AI tools flooding PH as of late. As someone launching a non-AI tool soon this got me wondering if a non-AI launch is at an advantage or disadvantage with this current trend. do you think non-AI tools still have a chance? Have you launched a non-AI tool recently? How did it go?

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Leonor Montero
This would depend on several factors such as the nature of the tool, the market demand, and the competition. On one hand, the technology landscape is rapidly evolving, and AI-based solutions are becoming increasingly popular across various industries. As a result, there is a risk that a non-AI tool might be seen as outdated and less innovative, making it harder to attract customers and investors. Additionally, AI can often provide a more efficient and accurate solution than traditional tools, which may limit the potential success of a non-AI tool. On the other hand, launching a non-AI tool could be advantageous in certain scenarios. For example, if the tool is designed for a niche market or a specific use case, it may not require AI capabilities to be effective. Additionally, if the tool offers a unique value proposition that cannot be easily replicated by AI-based solutions, it may have a competitive edge in the market.
David J. Kim
IMO AI tools have a disadvantage. A lot of them are built on top of GPT-4, so they have no real moat. It's easy to copy them. Whereas if your tool is something hard to build (even in the GPT-4 world) you have a big advantage.
Majd Alsado
@between_team Definitely agreed. It might work for a while as the market matures but low moat wrappers should naturally die off. Just wonder how much success they'd have in that time period
David J. Kim
@majd_alsado They'll make some money right now for sure, but the founders will need to spend serious time strategizing long term
Majd Alsado
Pitching in my 2 cents, I feel like the volume of launches has dramatically increased since the GPT hype started. As a result, getting your name out there amongst the thousands of competitors has made things more difficult. It also seems like people want AI products more than ever, judging on the attention seemingly non-differentiated chatGPT wrappers have been getting on the platform lately
Jonayed Tanjim
Build something people want whether it requires AI features or not. Focus on ICP's needs, and build for them. Ignore everything else.
Uma Venugopal
It's important to understand trend cycles. Generative AI is a trend cycle like what we witnessed last year with NFTs. What isn't a trend cycle is the evolution of AI and it's continued growth each year in new forms. So yes, just focus on creating a great product the value you have to offer your target customers.
Igor Lysenko
It’s a moot point, I don’t think it would be logical to create a product with functions that AI can do right now.