Mohamed Zakarya

JavaScript or Typescript?

Which one would you prefer and why? Please share your point of view so others can gain some value.

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Marc Gahan
Also believe it depends on what do you want to build.
Ali Ataei
Sven Radavics
Typescript is the future.
Rich Watson
typescript that's what the dev team is using for our app. just recently heard they want to use Svelte for our new web2.0 design
Pavel Keyzik
It really depends on what you're building. For small projects JavaScript is enough, even if you want to care about types, you can always use JSDoc comments. It's not that convenient, but it works. If you're planning to have a big project with different data models, then you'd probably need TypeScript to be more confident about updates ☺️
John Morrison
Typescript is definitely better for medium/large-sized applications. For smaller/personal projects you could argue that Javascript is fine. Although, personally I would always choose Typescript.
Jeeva Ramachandran
Try using Rescript
Jeni Jacinto
TS is better than JS
Vickie Richard
Typescript is much faster and more efficient as compared to JavaScript
Alexey Xerov
Ts best