Chel Chen

😲 It's the last day of 2024! Did you achieve your goals for the year?


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I just hope next year will be amazing, where I can achieve my goals and dreams :')
Nha Hyerin
Not quite, but I made progress! 🚶‍♀️
I think that 7/10 is quite good :) WBY?
I would say 80% of them :)
Chel Chen
@hamza_afzal_butt 80% is amazing! That’s a huge achievement—what’s one goal you’re most proud of hitting?
Seraphina Cole
It's been quite a year! I didn't hit every single goal but I'm proud of the progress I made.
Chel Chen
Let’s not forget to cherish what we’ve accomplished so far and keep moving forward. 😉
Ivany Wardhana
at least i improved my own skills
TJ Larkin
A lot of it is done and dusted! Looking forward to 2025