Blake Whittington 👾

Is UX the new can't-ignore skill?

We know that marketing and programming have become unignorable. Do you think that UX is the next unavoidable skill to learn? Design/experience — has always been — critical, but, I'm noticing lots more design tooling, design focus, and design co-founders as of late! What do you think?

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Miguel Silva
I need to agree that is an important skill, and can be used in every aspect of business.
Mason Williams
I honestly think that it all starts at UX. If you understand the ins and outs of UX and start building with UX in mind from day 1, you're product will be lightyears ahead of those who have to go back and refactor their entire product because it has a terrible UX.
Blake Whittington 👾
@mason_at_pieces yeah! Maybe it's developers' hate to re-write that is driving them to be good at UX haha. But yes, I hadn't considered that — a valuable byproduct is in saved engineering time.