As an indie maker, building a product may be a breeze, but too often, projects hit a roadblock in marketing. Is there anything more difficult than this? 💭💻
@zhusain1 Yes, I'm also an indie maker.
I now have to limit myself to spending a maximum of 50% of my time on product development.
Do something that people really want! The key is "want".
@mihajlokovacevic Agreed, the product is paramount!
Furthermore, I find that pinpointing the target audience for the product and their genuine needs is even more challenging.
The question is how complex your product is. If we take Windows for example, then probably their product is no less complex than their marketing, if not more. But in general, selling effectively (including content, SEO, social networks, emails, etc.) is very labour-intensive and difficult.
I'm currently building this product:
But things always have their ups and downs, and marketing is truly a delicate yet crucial job.
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