Aram Shah

Is empathy a necessary skill for your daily work? From 1 to 10.


Currently, we are working on AI that can recognize your slack communication using Non-Violent Communication framework made by Marshall Rosenberg. NVC Really helped us to improve mutual understanding in our team, brought our team to another level of compassion and respect.

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Andrey Erokhin
Sure, it's important. I build all my relationships in life including business on empathy. However I know that NVC may be used as a instrument, without any empathy inside. Are you sure that AI can separate NVC form from its essence?
Alessandro Canella
100%. Empathy is the bottom-line of working together. We were never meant to be machines who only care about completing tasks. Day in and day out I have realised the importance of connecting with my colleagues. We always work better when we work together. Not just in a physical sense but by sharing thoughts, ideas, suggestions and being our true self. Anyways, enough of my rant. I loved that you came up with such a major key point. I am in awe with the responses you have received and it is really nice to see what others feel about such a sensitive topic.
Aram Shah
@alessandro_canella Hey Alessandro thanks for appreciation, would you like to test our slack bot that help with empathy or have quick virtual coffee with me? :D I'm hungry to talk about this topic with real people.
Ivan Shishkin
It's a must-have skill for all managers IMHO. All you do is work with people and hit your goals with people's help
Aram Shah
@shishkinii Honestly, I see that plenty of people talks about it, but few implement any hand on tools to help employees develop empathy. Lot of talking and lack of real instruments. Maybe you know any examples? How employers implement such thing to their corporate culture (I only know Microsoft case and Google one, as ex googler)
Vadim Bakanov
@shishkinii @new_user_163720ddf7 actually, in most international companies I’ve been worked (adidas, L’Oréal) have courses, internal trainers and recommendations “how to manage hard situations and conflicts. But the issue is in implementation. After that kind of courses, like “How to give and recieve feedback” you come back to real life and real situations, and there real people without NVC in their communication. That’s the case.
Bakhrom Kholmatov
Hm. Can you list real cases where empathy is used in everyday work?
Aram Shah
@bakhrom Well I was inspired by Microsoft's experience. Dk if you know that, but they were the first in big tech to implement Non-Violent Communication as part of corporate culture. Here is an example from Inc -
Wiktoria Jaszcza
"NVC Really helped us to improve mutual understanding in our team, brought our team to another level of compassion and respect." Nice, congrats. Yes, empathy is important.
Aram Shah
@w_j Hey, would you kindly give a brief description of what do you do, and when do you use empathy? Currently, I'm checking new product hypothesis and looking forward to speak with professionals that believe empathy is important for them.
Wiktoria Jaszcza
@new_user_163720ddf7 Hey Aram, empathy is giving real attention to others, yes? So I'm learning to listen and hear the needs and reasons of others. Both at work and in personal interactions. But it's not that easy ;)
Marko Rakic
If you work with clients and potential clients- 10 If you work with people internally? -9. No skill such as empathy.
Aram Shah
@marko_rakic2 Hey Marko, you said: "No skill such as empathy." I doubt that, let's discuss it. Why do you think so? I believe empathy is a skill, start with self empathy. It takes energy, focus and attention to empathize to someone.
Marko Rakic
@new_user_163720ddf7 Open to discussion :) Can you imagine a (business) world without empathy? - People would judge each other more aggressively. No one would care for a person's context and process. Results will be the only important thing. - Our emotions won't matter that much. If leaders haven't learned empathy, they won't care and understand what people's emotions are about. - It will be harder for people to socialize and get on board when no one understands their position (isn't it hard enough already?) I don't want my managers to perceive my emotion as data they don't understand and feel burned out for life. That's why we should all learn empathy. Without it, our feelings lose their meaning. It's my opinion. Why do you think "there is nothing such as empathy" is wrong? :)
Software Guy (Aarvy)
@marko_rakic2 @new_user_163720ddf7 Yes, most people want to empathize but they don't want to invest that extra energy in being one.
Ivan Davydenko
it is important skill
Geralt Edison
Yes, empathy is a really important skill to develop. It is essential in sales to get the customer to buy. It is essential in educating students to get them to learn. It is essential in marketing to understand how to make people want to buy.
Aram Shah
@geralt_edison also for product manager to understand needs & struggle of customers, so they can build better products
Carl Magnus Behm
It is a must! We are building a startup and without understanding of our differences and how we can boost each other it is impossible
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
I'd say 7/10 for my current job as a Web Dev. When I worked in sales / marketing, it was 10/10
Aram Shah
@dan_yes are you working as manager as web dev? Would be great to chat about that
Artem Bezrukov
It helps and adds extra quality, but I can succeed without empathy)
Aram Shah
@artem_bezrukov what do you mean by "I can succeed without empathy"? Do you use other tools to improve quality of communication? Or what, could you tell bit more about it?
Strategyhero Go
Agree completely - that is good skill
Aram Shah
@strategyhero_go hey, could you please tell me where you work as CPO? :) Would be great to chat :)
Cansu Aydede
I am not sure if you define this as empathy but caring for people you work with is definitely a must.
Aram Shah
@cansu_aydede caring I believe care kind much broader thing, but empathy definitely included in caring. You could care physically, mentally, give more equity & salary. Empathy is something straight forward - you connect through our own emotions & need to another person emotion & needs. I believe so, and when you have this magic connection between 2 people or group of people - that the magic