I reached almost 30K on LinkedIn. 0 cold messages. Simple Plan 👇
I reached almost 30K followers on LinkedIn. 0 outbound messages, ads, LinkedIn Premium, and different hacks.
Here's how:
1/ Define your positioning. Who is your target audience? What's your main goal on LinkedIn?
2/ Optimize your profile. If you need my free profile checklist, let me know.
3/ Send connection requests without pitches. Accept connection requests.
4/ Comment on others' content (!!!).
5/ Post content. If your current posts don't get enough attention, do #1-4 and try to change the format of your posts. Try free templates, infographics, or entertaining content.
6/ Respond to thoughtful DMs.
7/ In the beginning, all your focus should be on LinkedIn. Then, you can create intersections between other channels.
- If you already have an audience on Twitter, invite them to connect with you on LinkedIn.
- Share your link on Product Hunt/other channels.
- Visit podcasts and mention that you're active on LinkedIn.
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The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
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The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
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The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook