Hey guys! I was very happy to reach the 50-day streak almost a week before the launch. By the way, if you want to follow Launch 🤓
@gabriele_mazzola It does not seem to have any advantage in terms of product, but coming here every day and examining the products improves my perspective and vision. This reflects positively on my product.
@hadzhaoglu Yea I can definitely see that value, and I agree with you!
I was just wondering whether - from a technical standpoint - it made any different on the visibility PH gives to your products, as a sort of reward for being active on the platform.
But I guess not, I'd be too easy otherwise :P
@gabriele_mazzola maybe if you active on discussions etc. your audience will grow and it reflects your launchs. Because all your followers receive special notification in your launch day
@hadzhaoglu The real question is: will people that I interact with (or viceversa) be genuinely interested in my product?
What's the real goal of having "connections" receiving a special notification if then they're not going to use my product because we just connected due to standard activity here on PH?
No irony here, I'm really asking to understand better how this platform works and what can be achieved how
BTW, thanks for the answers!
@gabriele_mazzola Yes, normally those who follow your product are interested, but the most important thing on this platform is to be in the top 5 or 10 on launch day. For this reason, even if the people who receive notifications are not interested in your product, they vote for you for support (I do it too), and being in the top 5 or 10 gives you a serious return on visitors and sales.
hey man, congratulations,
I hit the 50 streak too. And the launch is ongoing.
I will follow your launch good luck!
What are the things you are doing for the launch?
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