I'm Eli 👋 creator of Booomerang 🧡 the online rental marketplace for outdoor gear 🏕️ AMA
Hello there! I'm Eli, the co-founder and creator of Booomerang.io, the go-to platform for renting sports and outdoor gear. We started Booomerang because we were tired of dealing with limited storage space and the wastefulness of buying equipment we only used once or twice a year.
I have worked in the tech startup space for the past 7 years, designing and launching brand new products or improving existing ones. Last year I teamed up with 3 friends to build our MVP. We've recently launched a major update to provide an even better rental experience.
This month, we'll be launching Booomerang on Product Hunt for the first time. You can be notified about our launch by clicking on this link: https://www.producthunt.com/prod....
Today, I'm here to answer any questions you may have about developing and launching a marketplace, the sharing economy, startup life, or anything else really. Let's chat!