I hate...
I was thinking about the strongest hook I have ever read and the only one I can remember is mentioned in the title.
🤬 When you use "HATE" it draws people in.
When you do not finish the sentence with "Hate", people want to know what you hate.
It also works well when you use... "I hate XY"... and they want to know the reason.
Notice, how many discussions are full of anger that generates another anger. ("engagement, smth controversial" = good for social media cause you to stay in the app)
🤖 There's a famous case from 2016 and Microsoft's chatbot that generated responses based on people's "hate" Tweets. The chatbot was so full of hate that they had to shut it down: https://bit.ly/hate-hook
So... was the "hate" in the title the reason why you are here and read these lines?
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