Hunters, it's Workaholics Day! How are you celebrating?
Today (July 5) is the national workaholics day and I am not ashamed that I am one. I’ve always been accused of being a workaholic and I think that is one of the reasons why I was able to build my business.
By consistently outworking most other people for years.
So don’t hug a workaholic. Don’t ask him to take a break. Don’t tell him about the side-effects of too much work.
Instead, celebrate work!
I cannot understand why work is such a hated word for many people.
There’s content everywhere telling you how bad work is: 4 days work week, 6 hour workdays, retiring in your 30s, dozens of scams telling you how to make money without work (stop buying them).
I’ve met a lot of successful people in my life and the common thread that I see among all of them is hard work. If they weren’t born to money, that’s what they did to achieve it.
Even innovation is a result of hard work. You don’t get ideas from the wind. You need to become an expert before you can innovate and improve something.
It takes solid, unforgiving work!
Nearly everyone who achieves financial success does it with consistent hard work and a financial plan. Savings, investments. It’s a lot of boring details.
You see an Insta post of one night out on a yacht and imagine this is how their life is. It’s not. That’s 1% of their life. 99% is work.
Work is okay. Work is great. Hard-workers get everything first. The spillovers go to the lucky people, and if you are not lucky or hard-working, I am so sorry for you.
If you are a hunter I am sure you are ahead in this game. I bet you are already working on things with a fervor that will leave your competitors shell-shocked.
Good luck and happy working!
:) I am going to celebrate the day with tons of good work done! Are you?