Taha Zemmouri

How to promote an Open Source project?

Hi everyone, I'm the CEO of Eden AI (www.edenai.co). In addition to our platform and API, we provide an Open Source version of our product. This helps us in the development of our product and we're happy to contribute to the booming AI ecosystem by creating this centralized AI & LLM APIs hub. However, we're struggling to promote this repo. Any tips for that? Thanks in advance, PS: We would really appreciate it if you can star the project on Github: https://github.com/edenai/edenai-apis

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Héctor Castillo
Make it public, look for CTOs in your category and invite them via LinkedIn to try it with the Call to action to follow the project so that it adds stars and gains organic relevance.
Uma Venugopal
Build in public. Set up a community on a social you're most comfortable and post regular updates to bring your followers on your journey.
Jagtar Singh
I would say to use Twitter,Stackoverflow and linked in where you will find your audience - Post regular updates on Twitter and LinkedIn using hashtags like #bulinpublic - Add the project link to your bio - Answer the questions on Stackoverflow - Submit your product on Producthunt and indiehackers - Create a blog on your website and post a blog every Saturday - Do guest posting on the development blogs
flo merian
Launching soon!
@tezzed hi Tara 👋 @zevireinitz recently published an insightful playbook on getting more GitHub stars on dev.to (grew from 0 to 1.5K stars in 12 weeks). key takeaways:
  • - invest in content and distribution
  • - Raise awareness in relevant communities
  • - run small, paid ad campaigns to test your messaging and optimize
  • - reach out to influencers to get visibility on newsletters, podcasts, blog posts...
  • - celebrate milestones and contributions
you may find more insights in this related Discussion, too. hope it helps!