Ghost Kitty

How to overcome that one lazy day????


Any ideas people?? How do I get that energy back??

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Lazar Radenovic
rest if you can - If you have to get s*it done - then try changing scenery. It helps me if I go to a place where there are people around - put my headphones in, and just go hard. Probably favourite is a pub environment - a few hours of very focused work, followed by a XL glass of wine - and slowly wind down work
Ghost Kitty
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Katja Alissa Mueller
Lean into laziness. Be as lazy as you can. Energy comes in ebbs and flows. Focus on the tasks that can be done in a state of laziness, save the others for tomorrow.
Thomas Boulesteix
@katjaalissamueller Very well said Katja! We all have those lazy days and I even dare say they are necessary to avoid burnouts. Some days are bound to be more productive than others and that's ok.
Ghost Kitty
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Ghost Kitty
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Rofy Okyere-Forson
@katjaalissamueller Excellent point! Tasks can always be grouped into buckets - those that require your full brain power and/or activity and some that really don't. Staying flexible means you're able to adapt and adjust accordingly while still staying productive. When you're energized and out of the laziness zone then you make the switch to the 'more active' work!
Let it be! Your body and mind need that one! If you allow it timely - the next day most likely you'll be rewarded with the energy to make up for both days 💪🙏✨✌
I do menial labor, which involves simple and repetitive tasks, on days when I don't want to think or when things aren't going well. If I have to, I listen to a good playlist.