Vimal kanna

How many tabs are currently opened on your mobile browser?

Just curious to know how people use their mobile browser.

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Akash Devaraj
4 on my phone(goes up to 15-20) and 15 on my lap.
Tobias Gray
On my mobile, only 3. On my laptop about 3 windows with 30 tabs each. I use my mobile for consuming content and my laptop for creating it so need more tabs to switch between different bits of documentation and stack overflow questions.
Eivind Håverstad
Currently, about 3 tabs Open. That said - answering this question at the right time. Yesterday I had 32 tabs open.
ahad rehman sojol
Imran Mahmud
Only 10
Al Faisal
Currently 7
Manish Rawat
just 2
Rashmi Gupta
about 30
Always 50+ :D