Nishant Modi

How many hours do you work everyday?

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Philipp Shay
From 3 to 14 depending on my mood)
Sergei Anosov
9 hour max
@kajal_d4 wow how do you balance your life with such long working hours?
9 for my job and 2 for my stock
8-9hr in agency and then 1-2 hours on 1-2 other bootstrap projects
Aswath Subramanian
10 Hours give or take
Wyatt Feaster
Its like 3-4 hours daily on the side project and 8 on the day jobb atm.
Elen Udovichenko
Just switched from a larger, established company to a young and ambitious startup, so my working hours jumped from 6-8 to 10-12 🫠 It takes some getting used to it, I think. But will appreciate any suggestions on how to manage the workload.
Eliza Crescini
Actually it depends!
Tanya Jain
Mostly 9-10 hours.
mono lim
I am able to work on multiple tasks at the same time. This allows me to be very efficient and productive.
Andrey Dron
I work 4-6 hours a day, sometimes more, if I'm really tired I sometimes come here to relax and unwind a bit)
Amelia Charlie
10-14 hours per day
Ghost Kitty
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Sunil Ayar
David strc
Alexander Dolton
i complete my work in 7 hours
Ghost Kitty
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Erick Philbert