It depends on what kind of platform it is. Most of the time, I joined when I wasn't that interested. So I didn't know lots of functions for even months. Then, something would trigger me, and I'd try to get at least the main functions and culture in 1 or 2 days.
It depends on what social media I'm using. I go on Twitter once in a couple of days because it is exhausting, I have two things daily: 5 min insta-stories look through and a dopamine-induced unknown amount of time spent on Tiktok...
LinkedIn: I would love to say never, but I still go on there like once a month.
@britz_sebastian if I need engagement, yes. Part of why twitter is exhausting is that most of the time I spend there I'm not just enjoying it but thinking what do I want to engage with, why one tweet from this person works and the other isn't, etc.
When I started with BLOOCK, I have 0 knowledge of tech culture, not to mention blockchain.
I needed to spend at least 15mins every day on the 2 main platforms of LinkedIn and Twitter, not to mention trying to follow all the tech talk (being someone without any tech background - this was the hardest)
I think only after a month, I started to understand how to interact, what kind of language to use and, built somewhat an ecosystem around me to keep up with everything
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