Small little habits compounded. Start with a consistent bed time. Then a consistent wake time. All of a sudden, you are consistent and disciplined with sleep. Then move to a consistent morning routine (does not need to be complex - could be as simple as going for a walk the moment you wake up). Little habits start to build and form consistency.
It might not be the very first thing everybody would say, but here I am.
Years and years ago I started disciplining myself into having a sleep and workout routine and since then I can say that has been one of the major reasons why I can keep my consistency at almost everything I do. :-)
First, do and finish the small things right away.
This will give you a sense of self-satisfaction for completing your tasks. Eventually, you will unconsciously become more productive and consistent in working towards your goals.
To train yourself to be consistent: set clear goals, create a routine, break tasks down, stay organized, stay motivated, practice discipline, learn from setbacks, seek support, and celebrate achievements along the way.
I love my TODO lists because they help me stay consistent even when my motivation wanes. As @hashir_ahmed1 mentioned it becomes about thinking less and getting it done as as things get done my motivation bolsters gain!
I've use Daily Notes templates in my Obsidian Notes as my reminder of why I am doing things. Each daily note has my "reasons for doing" and my baseline todo list. It's been absolutely wonderful way to reset my thinking daily.
I remind myself that consistency does not mean doing the same thing, the same way, every day. It's about ebbs and flows and as long as you're more doing it than not things will continue to move forward.
It's about little steps. It's like when you eat a tub of ice cream, you eat it little by little. If you try to eat it all in one sitting, you feel sick and disgusting.
Life Organizer
Layman Law