So our project operates on the Discord platform- this will not make sense or be understood if you're not familiar with Discord.
Our team was using a group messaging feature there, but then we decided to create a server just for the development purposes rather than create channels in our main server.
This allowed us for awesome organization and to-do lists. I've tried notion, and I just end up putting a lot of tasks there which never gets checked, or when one gets finished it never gets checked off or removed. But with Discord server channels we can pin messages with a feature task, create a thread on that message to discuss only about that feature without cluttering up the main channel, and when it's done the thread just archives after a week- and we unpin the message.
This would only work if you're whole team is on Discord though. But because of the way tasks can be organized, assigned, discussed about- I would actually recommend a team to use Discord just for this. The group messaging was notifying every user in it anytime a message was sent, now in the server channels it doesn't and you can @ping a user to notify them.
Should have done this from the start. Would have all our messages there, and not need to keep the group message open just to search back for any old messages if needed.
As a digital marketer, I spent my time at the first half of the day by checking ads results, optimizing campaigns, preparing reports, and attending team meetings like routine works. And at the rest of the day I make researches for creative works.
I tackle the overwhelming tasks first and then focus on the smaller ones. I use to manage my tasks & projects as I'm able to clearly see what I need to work on and how I'm progressing with my workload.
We use Slack and Workast to manage tasks and time.
Each morning I check my assigned tasks on Workast (in a Slack message) and then I work off each task. There are due dates on each task so I work off what is required for that particular day or if the due date is coming up. If I need assistance, we use Slack to communicate, or I can write a comment on the task and tag a team member.
All my tasks are documented inside of Workast and if another team member has created that task for me, they are notified once it is completed.
Once I complete my tasks for the day, I move onto the other work which isn't a task such as customer support emails, my inbox or social media. This kinda work doesn't warrant a "task".
Disclosure: I am the co-founder of Workast.
Managing tasks is not an extraordinary skill. You just ned a professional software solution to plan, track, and deliver your tasks in a proper way.
I'd suggested to try GanttPRO ( - an award-winning PM tool that focuses on professional task management with the help of a Gantt chart. Being an online solution, it is available on Mac as well as any other OS. The Gantt chart-based approach, combined with the clean and attractive interface, makes tasks and project management highly intuitive.
AppLogger by PLG Works
NVSTly: Social Investing