Solid on-boarding process which include: defining responsibilities & resources available to meet them, meeting the team and understanding where this new position fits in the overall organization, and finally —but definitely not least— social activities to create meaningful relationship.
All put together, this helps the new team member get up-to-speed in no time, and doesn't require a dynamic shift.
@balda@fares_aktouf I wouldn't say "enough" but the least you should do! You can also schedule time for the new talent to spend with each employee of the company ;)
The aspects of culture fit and if the individual can sync with the company dynamics are taken care of during recruitment. Once he/she joins in, we provide him a time where he can socialize with other members and get familiar with the work. We try not to put him in any work on the first week itself but rather understand the workflow.
@kriti_kalpa_saha Clearly, I completely agree with what you say, it is perfect for the person to be operational as soon as possible.
The point that worries me is :
- how to make sure that he is integrated in an already existing group? That he is happy every morning to go and see and/or exchange with his colleagues?
- How not to disrupt the cohesion or synergy? On the contrary, how to improve it!
Example: we have small rituals that participate in the construction of the team such as :
Group sports. Outings outside the work environment. Breakfast together. Beers at the end of the day... Etc.
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For me it is a question of structuring/preparation. As long as the missions are clear and there is an onboarding process with a solid knowledge base of the company, there is no need to slow down the pace! New employees will adapt quickly :)
@benjamin_arne I agree with the professional integration (operational). But what about the human aspect when there is a real relationship and harmony that already exists within the teams?
@benjamin_arne Obviously the preparation of the professional side to integrate the new employees is essential, but the company is also a social place, it is necessary to take into account that also
It's relatively straightforward for an early-stage startup. The team is small and the information spreads smoothly between the team members.
As the team grows, more and more structure is needed. I'd say, when you are 10, you already need some formal onboarding process. When you're more than 30, it is probably worth investing in some dedicated solutions.
@daniel_engels I totally agree. but, it remains very conventional and formal. It doesn't necessarily make for a good relationship. moreover, we often see in large or old companies harmful working atmospheres.
5 Tactical things that have helped me:
1. Telling the rest of the team this new member is onboarding and to make an effort to welcome them
2. Creating an onboarding doc for the newest team member with mission, metrics, relevant docs, etc.
3. Setting up 1:1 meetings every day until the new member feels comfortable to cancel
4. Finding them an onboarding "buddy" who they can talk to since they may not want to ask "stupid questions" to their manager
5. Organizing some team event shortly after they join so they can get to know others
@bitesizedbeta Thanks a lot for your answer. I love your tactics, especially "Setting up 1:1 meetings every day" I will even add once a month or week (depending on the size of the team) a meeting where we are not allowed to bring up the subject of work!
the 4 is also super smart. I had never thought of that.
Finally the No. 5 is elementary
I am positive about the arrival of a new member to the team. If a new member is motivated, purposeful and really wants to understand all the intricacies of the work process and become a full-fledged member of the team, then he must be taken to the team.
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