Whether its a blog idea, new product idea, feature idea, app idea, or the next snuggie, what is your process? Do you have steps you go through or is it free form and seredipitous?
If you are like me and have a creative side, I generally spend some time doing unrelated creative things, like painting. Tends to spark a lot of imagination and new ideas for me.
@dylan_merideth I listen to a few and explore many but here's the list of my favourites:
The Indie Dads Podcast by @malcolm_jack
Wannabe Entrepreneur by @tiagorbf
Smart Passive Income by @patflynn
I listen to a lot of webinars, or podcasts.
I exchange with other people on LinkedIn or others and it allows me to get inspiration and to open up to other subjects
One of the best things that helped me is reading customers' reviews on various products. This is how you can see their pain points and frustrations with some products and come up with a solution that will better satisfy their needs
@anna_mandziuk its all about customer pain, and alleviating it. I think if you fail to be problem-centric you will make solutions to a problem that doesn't exist. New paradigms and new markets can be created sure, but even those seek to serve some customer need