Erkin Bek

How do you find your first users?

Hi all! I've been wondering for a month now, how do you find your first 10/100/1000 users? Of course PH is a good tool, but I'd like to use other platforms and tools you use as well. Who has any experience? Tell me about it!

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Rishabh R
It isn't that complicated, instead of learning the methods to find a customer, learn the principle behind it. Lets take an example. You have a product/service that solves a problem. Find you target audience: The people who are currently facing these problems in their live. Get into their shoe and think, where they will be hanging out, online and offline. Find the place, and start helping their problems for "Free". By free I mean, tell them - what is their problem -why is it happening to them -how they can solve it -Introduce their best "solution" for their problem (which is your product) - Show that you have empathy for them - Provide some assurance you won't waste their time (money back guarantee) Always remember to share you "trade secret" framework for free. Since human beings are lazy, 99% of the people won't do it for themselves, they will hire you to do it. And the people who wants to hire you will have the budget for it too, you will cut off the rest off
Erkin Bek
@rishabhravindran It's all cool, of course, but I still find myself looking for where to be, but it turns out they're all at work :))
Twitter. I'm not a heavy user of Twitter, but I know that many indie hackers are gathering users through Twitter.
Erkin Bek
@anna_choi Interesting, I'm not an active Twitter user either, but I should try it, but I wish I knew how :)
Igor Lysenko
In social networks, if your potential client is, for example, a psychologist, then psychologists have special favorite social networks where they can be invited to the group.
Erkin Bek
@ixord By the way, I've already tested this method on a few of our target audiences and they don't work as effectively as expected...