Marc-Oliver Gewaltig

How do you bootstrap your social media channels?

For our B2C product, we've been posting on TT, YT and Insta. However, organic growth is slow, even if you post daily. What are the best strategies to grow social media channels fast?

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Sue Buist
Each platform has their own algorithms. To be most effective you need to create content that will engage the platform you are using. Why did you choose these three? Learn about how people are using these platforms Such as TikTok is used as a search engine, so make sure you are answering questions or providing relevant information that your target audience is searching for. Most of the platforms care about engagement. Can you get people to stop scrolling long enough to invest time in your content? Are they commenting, sharing, or liking it? If not the platforms won't show your stuff as often. Their business model is to get as many eyes on their platform for as long as they can. If your content helps with that, you move up on the list to be showcased.
Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
@sue_buist Thanks. To your question: we've chosen these three, because that's where most of our customers are. Our main platform is TikTok and we just cross post the shorts on YT and Insta.
Sue Buist
@mogthesify Tik Tok is an interesting one. That is my main focus too. I use a consistant schedule and post answers to questions. I use AI to generate a list of topics, then I ask Gemini what is the most common question my target audience asks when they search for that topic. You can also use Google to find out the same thing ot Answer the Public. I find Gemini works just fine. I then create my content to answer the question my target audienc is most likely searching. I have founf this plan works well enough to get people to at least watch longer on the video. some platforms don't like cross posting and will give the content less visibility if it is not native to their platform. I know FB is like that. If I want to post one of my TT videos on FB, I upload it instead of sharing it.
Nathan Covey
First off I'd say start with one platform. You're spreading yourselves thing by doing too many at once. Really invest in the 1 platform that makes the most sense for your business. Go all in, posting consistently for months, and you will start to see growth.
Nathan Covey
@mogthesify Even if you cross-post, is still has an effect, because you should be engaging heavily on whatever platform you're invested in.
Elijah Scott Fitzgerald
Consistency and value are key. Post regularly and make sure each post provides something useful or engaging for your target audience, whether that's helpful tips, interesting stories, or entertaining content. Use hashtags, ask questions, and encourage interaction. And tailor your approach for each platform - visuals for Instagram, short videos for TikTok, etc. Most importantly, focus on serving your audience, not just promoting yourself. If you provide value, the followers will come. Hope this helps!