Amy Williamson

How do I find journalist who cover startup stories?

Hi, I was reading through some article online and found out that being a startup founder, I can reach out to journalists who cover stories for startups. But where do I find those journalists? Is there a website or technique?

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Guillaume Mathieu
In Japan (but I guess it is similar in other markets, just need to find the relevant platform): - use a PR platform where you can post your own articles of progress made by your startup (in JP for example PRTimes) - the platform feeds journalists that are following up on some startup or industry topics - through the platform, you can also reach out to journalists, and get some direct connection so they follow you in the future. When they get your article, they can either republish it or contact you for further interview
Paul VanZandt
It's a difficult process, but I'd probably start with creating really quality content as an example piece, then just doing as much networking and outreach as possible to find journalists that are willing to join forces. On top of that, your story needs to be good to get picked up. If you're interested, we just launched today and would love your support:
Marina Đurić
Read startup stories that have been covered by journalists and then approach that journalist through email or social.
Yesser Falk
You could check First 1000 whether they would cover your story to get more traction.
At first, I would search for main publications such as TechCrunch, The economic times, startupnews, startup daily, etc. to see who is covering the latest stories and pitch them your story. Then, I would take a look at your competitors and check their backlinks to see who else could cover your story. You can also discover similar startup news domains in MM to see what other websites cover similar topics: Hope this helps.
Dani Luu
For me, a good piece of advice has been to go specific, don't just find business or startup magazines. If your product or service is strong in a particular industry, find journalists who cover that industry. You have a lot more competition reaching only startup journalists.
Daniel Engels
I'd advice to contact a small number of highly relevant journalists. Do a quick Google search on articles published on your topic, and then contact the authors on Twitter / LinkedIn, or by email. Personalize the messages at max and make references to their work.