Alexandre Schouwey

How did you get your first paying customer?


For my first SaaS project, I secured my first client after physically visiting around 10 people. I found it quite hard because the demos were time-consuming in person. For my current project, , I would like to adopt a more digital and less time-consuming sales process. Share how you got your first paying customer.

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I got a friend to make the first purchase :LOL
Maurizio Isendoorn
Curious to hear other tell their stories as well. We haven’t launched yet, so we only have waitlist users. We got all of those by posting and engaging on X, Linkedin and Producthunt
Alexandre Schouwey
@maurizioisendoorn People signing up to your waitlist is already a really good sign that your startup interests people! Can you share the link?
Marketing (writing posts) on social media
Alexandre Schouwey
@joonatanvanhala What social media did you use? One channel or multiple channels?
I think visiting 10 people physically is so awesome when ur starting, because you talk to real customers and get a read on whether your idea is in demand. Like Maurizio I've been building our waitlist online, by posting about my product in communities like reddit & FB groups that are relevant to my niche. Even posting in groups is pretty manual, and once we have actual revenue would love to transition to cold email and eventually paid ads.
Alexandre Schouwey
@yukioyama Sounds great! Has your startup already launched, or is it still on the waiting list? Can you share the link to your startup? I'm curious to see what it's about.