Being a freelancer has been really helpful in sparking new ideas for me. As a UX/UI designer (and I dabble in other things too), I've found myself coming up with solutions that could easily become startup concepts. It's a great way to stay inspired!
@halilburakyilmaz How did you get into UI/UX freelancing / where do you find clients typically? Upwork? Are you on longterm retainers with agencies/businesses? Really curious about your journey would love to learn more.
@alexandreschouwey improved the way businesses disseminate press releases.
We are making PR publication a simple drag and drop method for our clients, where they only have to tell us the news and our interactive platform will bring it to life.
We offer first 3 press release distribution services free of cost to any brand, so anyone who wants to test our services can do without any risk!
I got the idea from the book.
I'm gearing up to launch a product called LiFE RPG soon. It helps people gamify mundane tasks, making them more enjoyable. The idea for this product came from a book called "Actionable Gamification."
@heyalbert That's awesome, i feel like most people never figure out how to gamify actionable steps in their personal life so this would be a great product for many. How do you imagine this taking form?
When we got our dog he was only 2 months old and on he's first year of life unfortunately he had to go to the vet a lot, it was a troubled childhood for him. We were always trying to find ways to organize ourselves, we had medicine to give, baths, vet visits and so on but we didn't find a tool that could help us like we wanted. So, us being two developers at home, we decided to create Amigos do Miles
@alexandre_schouwey There's no easy ways/intuitive ways to:
- Have control over how much medication I have left and if I need to buy more
- Record weight, height, temperature.
- Track spending
- Track inventory.
Google calendar is only good for appointments IMO. You can use it for medications, but how do you make sure you really gave the medication?
Notion has so many stuff that sometimes if just gets too overwhelming and disorganized in our experience.
We've created a solution for a specific problem, that way it tends to be more organized from the get go. We've also decided to create a modular dashboard, where you add the features more relevant to you, that way as soon as you get into your account you have all the necessary information you need in one place.
For some reason you need to start tracking the weight more? Just add the weight card and in zero clicks you see all the information and in 1 click you are already inside the feature.
I've been a soccer player for a long time, and I've noticed the problems that team owners, managers, and coaches struggle with (usually management processes and the need to find funding for their teams). So I'm creating an app to solve these issues. Solving someone else's problems that I saw myself!
We are launching on PH soon 👇
Did youtube in college and HATED editing. Spent way too many weekends editing when I could've had fun with my friends. Editing is not the task content creators should be spending on, they should be focused on telling great stories and inspiring.
Last year, three of us software developers moved to the United States. However, finding jobs became incredibly challenging due to the economic conditions and numerous layoffs in the IT sector. We found ourselves spending hours every day applying for jobs, tailoring resumes, and writing cover letters, which took up 4-5 hours of our day and negatively impacted our lives. To solve this problem, we developed Wobo, a Personal AI Recruiter. Wobo creates a unique persona for each user and uses it to apply to jobs in the user’s desired fields on their behalf. This allows our users to focus on their lives and prepare for interviews, sparing them the hardships we experienced.
If you wanna check Wobo AI:
@alexandreschouwey it basically depends upon the purpose you have or why you want to start but the easiest and most effective way is to be vigilant about the problems around you, which may not necessarily be yours
Looking to part ways with your gaming laptop? List it for sale online or explore local electronics retailers to find interested buyers and make your gaming laptop available to someone who will appreciate its capabilities.
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Amigos do Miles
Amigos do Miles
Amigos do Miles
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