Rowe Morehouse

How can you PRODUCTIZE your SERVICE?

In 2024, online courses & info products MUST be bundled w/ some type of implementation SERVICE. 🡒 "If your tire is flat on the road you don't want the information about how to change that tire; you want somebody to come and do it for you." People want solutions, not just info. --- Blame "consumer fatigue" in the era of information overload. "Time" is today's valuable commodity, not information. What can you IMPLEMENT in addition to your info, to help them save time?

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Chris Sarca
There are quite a few variables to take care of, and things don't work the same for every context, but in general I agree with you. It depends on how convenient you make it for them. Nowadays, people are lazy and too comfortable in their bubble, and starting from this, we can say that everything can be turned into a service, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
Rowe Morehouse
I agree @chris_sarca ! I think the idea is that w/ services, you generally sell hours for dollars – and so you are constrained mostly by the number of hours you can work per day. That limits your income potential. If you're able to productize your service somehow, then you can scale it up and earn more $$ without working more hours. (PS, even if you charge a flat fee for a service, it still "backs into" hours-for-dollars for you.) W/ online courses & info products the dream is to "build once and sell forever" to see a passive income stream on autopilot. I think the days of that gravy train are mostly over. 🤔 The good news is there could be opportunities to bundle your info w/ implementation services for people who just want it "done for me" rather than learning, or a doing a deep dive into a book or course.
Fabian Maume
In my experience, it is good to offer different options. For Tetriz product hunt offering we offer 3 package: - Info-product where you need to do everything yourself - No-fill where we provide some consulting support - All-in where we do everything for you