Mohamed Zakarya

How Can you Balance Creativity and Business to Create Successful Products?


How do you balance your creative vision with the need to create a successful product that meets the needs of your customers and generates revenue? What strategies have you found effective in finding this balance?

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Uday Patel
It's Pretty hard I must say to do both. You can try to break down your vision into small and achievable milestones. This will help you stay focused and also keeps your mind motivated.
Mohamed Zakarya
Launching soon!
@uday_patel4 sometimes as well creativity is not accepted by the end users. They just want things as traditional as possible
Alyne Padilla
This is such a great question! I'm launching my own company and as a visionary I'm playing around w/processes that helps me balance ideas with execution of them. Few things that are helping: 1) capturing any and all ideas in a notepad, so that I don't forget the details of them 2) theming ideas by category which might later help with idea stacking- what can be brought to life together 3) scheduling all my priority tasks and responsibilities in my calendar as a meeting with myself 4) Testing ideas through customer interviews to gauge which 2-3 I should laser focus on. Hope this helps and all the best!