Tanzirul Huda

Here’s how you can make your first $1000

1. Generate a business idea using https://founderpal.ai/business-ideas-generator 2. Build the product. 3. Launch a campaign on Reddit to engage with potential discussions on autopilot and collect leads using https://replyhub.co 4. Monitor the campaign results for 1 month, talk with the collected leads, and then let me know if you succeeded or not. Best of luck!

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Claudio Tosatto
Later than a greta launch here on PH I'm losing customers, so I will following you receip, but I already have a product so founderpal it si not useful for me, better could be a business idea validation tool, have you a suggestion for it?
Gurkaran Singh
Trying to make that first $1000? Let's get creative with FounderPal for a smashing business idea, dive into building the product, and launch a Reddit campaign with ReplyHub - it’s like a startup rollercoaster with a guaranteed thrill at the end!