
Hello, my writers and bloggers, what are your favorite free/paid tools that help with your writing?


Here are a few of my favorites; most of them are free: 1. Grammarly: For obvious reasons, haha. Grammarly helps with grammar, tone and helps phrase your text according to the goals you set. ( 2. Google Trends: Again, for obvious reasons. One of the most popular SEO research tools that are actually free. Shows you the interest in the keyword over time, the regions it's popular in, related topics, and keywords. ( 3. Copywritely: An SEO content analysis software. This one has most of the features Grammarly offers but has added SEO tools such as Keyword stuffing and suggests the accurate keyword ratio and percentage for your text. ( 4. Ahrefs Free Keyword Generator: A free app from Ahrefs that generates keywords according to your search and shows your keyword difficulty (for ranking), search volume, and when the list was last updated. ( 5. Keyword Sh****r: Accurately named, this one dumps out (sorry for the pun) a humungous list of keywords related to your search. I mostly use this when I'm unsure of what to write about but have a topic in mind. I then research the ones I like on Google Trends and Ahrefs Free KG. ( 6. Answer Socrates: Another great keyword research tool, but it's a bit different than most ones. It shows the most asked questions related to your search term according to region. This helps me decide the narrative of my blog. (

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Jason Lourens
I'd always known I had two talents: writing and helping others. I am now working with these skills at Now I work as a finance freelancer, assisting students with their assignments. I constantly receive nice feedback, which makes me extremely pleased.
I've always used Wordpress for blogging and YEOST was so easy to use. You've covered the other ones I use!
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Hello Senin. I am a maker of Would love it if you can check it out.
Atul Ghorpade
Thank you for these tools.
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