My dev has started using Gemini since we have a Google BE and it is great for getting tips on Firebase etc - it knows more and has better advice he says for making Fryda the best digital wallet there is :P
@sentry_co haha yes I am very aware of that - 1 small part jealous, but mostly proud that they space we are chasing/creating is getting more investments. Honestly they have a great product and they have some major profiles backing them! They do have a bit of a different approach - less scalable if you ask me (but I am not bias at all :p)
I see you're also a former Antler participant - what are you working on?
@boudewijn_bos Been following tings since almost day1. They had a big pivot in personality. And they went all in and risked it all this fall. Their PMF is mostly generated by just selling it on the street. Which shows you how important it is to also create the PMF, not just waiting for it. So an inspiring story! The biggest risk is to not taking any risk as they say! Im working on some edge-network personal security tech. Very ambitious, so let's see how it goes 😅 We are also pivoting our personality in a big way this spring, and rewriting everything 😅. You can check out the old beta at
@sentry_co yeah so have we - they went from Newcycle to Tings, quite funny since our first go at it was called ALLTYNG. They did have a big team already behind it, and some known names as far as I know - your avatar looks very much like the avatars they had for Newcycle btw 😇 regarding the PMF I love that they went to the streets, we are taking a bit of a different route since our focus is so much on the digital payment/transaction - slowly getting there 🤟🏽 I will give your beta a try for sure!
What’s the reason for pivoting?
@boudewijn_bos Pivoting personality, not the core product. Just natural progression of things, you start with something and go forth, then along the way you discover something that will work even better. And have a stronger PMF. In B2C. Having the right product personality is everything. IMO.
Over the last few days I've been trying both with the same prompts.. I had hoped Gemini could be a good substitute, but I have to say that - in my experience - gpt4 is still superior.
@gabriele_mazzola@sentry_co Awesome thanks for clarifying. I have found Gemini Ultra to be better than GPT4 on a few tasks, cancelled my GPT 4 for now to use Gemini when it expires exclusively but may switch back depending on how that goes. I tested a few queries and my favourite reply switched between the two of them. But have not done any kind of structured query.
Both Gemini and ChatGPT serve different purposes; Gemini is a cryptocurrency exchange, and ChatGPT is a conversational AI model. The choice depends on your specific needs or preferences.