Linda Miles

From All-In-One Collab to Project Mgmt! AMA


Yes, it is this time of the year where we all try to reflect back on the year past and plan ( hopefully most of us ) what to do in this new year! Well, I am here to share some of the major developments that took place at Cogency ( ) this last month and what we have in store for all our customers in 2022 =) December, 2021 - We had rebuilt our entire system from ground up in the intent to combine all our collaborative components under one unified umbrella - Project Management! Being an "all-in-one" collaboration platform was great but it did not clearly define what we were. Some of our customers had thought we were a video conferencing site, others described us as an alternative to Miro, and even Trello... but the main point was often missed namely that we were all of those things. So, after some deep contemplation ( and some wine ), we decided that it was time to give ourselves a true direction. We introduced Project Management :D and, dropped all our paid plans in favor of only one - The All Unlimited Plan ( aka Pro Plan ) .. and our new customer registrations exploded! Let me tell you how Cogency works now: On the Pro Plan there are no more limits on how many Projects, Video Conferences, Boards ( kanban-style task management ), Sketches ( whiteboard ), Users, Teams, or Pages can be created! Oh, speaking of Pages...that is a brand-new feature we just introduced a week ago. The main purpose for Pages is to provide the user with the ability to take notes, create technical or any type of documentation ( our editor supports markdown ), or a newsletter, a landing page, anything really. Pages can be set "public" to be shared with the web or private ( creator's choice ). Any tool can be shared among projects.. in other words, imagine you are sketching up a flow diagram in one project that is also needed in another project.. no problem, simply tag that sketch with that other project! That goes for every tool we have! Additionally, we are continuously adding new features ( most of which are requested by the customers ). We even shared our development board publicly that has now become our roadmap ( ) One last thing I would like to share with you is this amazing review ( ) that someone made on us, that pretty much sums up a lot of I have been trying to say in this post. As always, lots of love to all of you at PH !!! .. and may this year be good to all of us =) --Linda

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Minal Joshi Jaeckli
👏 Congratulations Linda!! For sure very cool to take time to decide what you do and don't do. And it sounds like you nailed it!!