KC Onrade

Friday mood


Do you work harder on Fridays or more relaxed because it's almost weekend?

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Lizzy Steward
I'm always on a Friyay mood✌️
Alexandr Builov
depends on the tasks
KC Onrade
@builov84 sometimes, the most crucial tasks are scheduled on Friday :D
I work relaxed on Fridays, and harder on Saturdays XD
Shokat Ali
I try to finish all my tasks on Friday to spend a relaxed weekend.
Artyom Sviridov
Just like on any other weekday :) Depending on how much work needs to be done.
Debajit Sarkar
Like a rocket that’s ready to blast off into the weekend. 🚀
Claudia Lyons
I feel more relaxed on Friday
Nico Spijker
Fridays are relaxed and saved for more social media and network interactions. Since people often take a more chill approach to the day, it becomes the most effective day of the week to meet others (so long as it's not "hey let's start this project together"!)
Yavuz Tunc Emran
I'd say that maintaining focus on Fridays is crucial, as relaxation comes after achieving our weekly goals.
Philipp Jackson
Not really into fridays and weekends, while working on statrup.. Working anytime and taking rest, when needed.
George Burmistrov
It feels more relaxed usually, we have a team call each Friday, sort of a sum up, just to recall everything we did this week and what we're planning to do next. It's just a nice day, a finish line, you know.
KC Onrade
@burmistrov yeah, a week recap to set the mood on the coming weekend and grind for the next goals the following week
Wiola Król
To be honest, I'm bored, really bored😄
Depends, this friday is going to be hectic as we launch on Monday :D
Tried to finish all the task in Friday and get rid of work in weekends
launching next week so, very tight schedule for this weekend
Darcy Andrews
we are launching a product today
Agnieszka Rybij
On one hand more relaxed. On the other I have a lot more motivation and willingness to work hard because I know my rest is just around the corner. And I feel better resting when I know I did a good job and did my best.
Dennis Aronov
Depends on the week, but I usually try to complete any tasks that need to be done before the next week and once I'm done with those, I'm more relaxed.
Igor Lysenko
I try to finish all my tasks because I don’t want to think about work on the weekends.
Tornike Tsiramua
I try to work less a bit and chill after. however, I have to work on Saturday, an intense time :))) Have a lovely Friday evening and weekend ahead